I am determined to improve or rebuild my life, but for now I am just keeping it together.
I am worried by lack of money, health problems, homelessness, family and relationship problems.
I am making plans to change my life by making use of services, doing some volunteering , getting some training and I have some hope for the future, because I have broadened my networks to include people who can help me and who can help me understand why things are the way they are. I do have a few people I can trust and I can have a better life.

2.1 What works

Using a wide range of services regularly which enables me to keep it together. I build relationships with people beyond my immediate family and make contacts with people who can give me opportunities to volunteer or to train or to help me apply for a job. Networking and building relationships with helpful, positive people helps. I am beginning to learn my rights and to take more responsibility, now that I have more hope for the future. I am living in my own place and this gives me security and time to work on putting my life together