I am happy and confident and feel connected to people and place and country. I have a sense of control over my life and I can make choices and decisions. I have many good relationships with people, a home and I job that I find fulfilling. I have the strength to deal with the problems or the knowledge of where to go for help. I can help myself and others, because I have a strong sense of my rights and my responsibilities. I have courage to make connections within my community and in the wider world. I trust myself and enough other people to address personal and public issues.

3.1 What works

Having a job and a home and supportive relationships provides me with security. I have the time and the resources, because I work and budget carefully and I plan ahead. I know my rights and responsibilities and I have skills which I learned on the job or at Tafe or unis. I have a positive outlook on life. I have a full life and I have discarded negative thinking, time wasting and using crutches to solve my problems like gambling or other addictions.